Associazione Italiana di Organizzazione Aziendale

Capri Summer School – X Edition

9 – 13 September 2024

Call for Participation

Aim Capri Summer School was born on the impulse of AIDEA (the Italian Academy of Business Administration and Management).

The overall aim of the summer school is to enhance participants’ research capabilities. Capri Summer School provides a chance for doctoral students and early career researchers to develop their understanding of research methods in management studies, benefiting from an interdisciplinary setting, under the guidance of a panel of internationally renowned scholars.

The school is organized by the University of Naples Federico II and is proudly in partnership with the British Academy of Management (BAM), the Italian Academy of Business Administration and Management (AIDEA), and the University of Salerno.

Audience and Method

The course is aimed at doctoral students and early-stage researchers in the areas of management, interested in qualitative studies of accounting, management, finance, organization, etc. Candidates who are developing interesting ideas but who still have time to be influenced by participation in the summer school will receive the strongest consideration. Admission will be on a competitive basis.

About 30 participants will be admitted: in addition to overall quality of content, factors such as position within the doctoral process and institutional representation will be taken into account. Participants will be selected by the faculty together with the organizing committee. Lectures will cover epistemological issues, data collection methods and analytic techniques such as content and discourse analysis.

Download the call for partecipation

How to apply

Applicants are invited to submit a single PDF file consisting of:

  1. A 4-page extended abstract of their thesis project/research idea. Clearly specifying:
    1. a) Originality and importance of their intended topic;
    2. b) Contribution of the work (expected);
    3. c) Methodological perspectives or epistemological positions they would think as useful to discuss during the summer school
  2. CV;
  3. A reference letter written by your tutor explaining the reasons behind the application. All materials should be sent as a single PDF file by 5th May 2024. An email receipt of the letter will be sent to acknowledge submissions.

Fees will be limited to Euro 500,00 for each participant (not including transports and accommodation).

Apply online at:

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