Associazione Italiana di Organizzazione Aziendale

Organizing in the shadow of power: voices from the Italian community of organization studies

Call for Chapters


  • Stefano Consiglio
  • Gianluigi Mangia
  • Marcello Martinez
  • Riccardo Mercurio
  • Luigi Moschera


The editorial project

Organization studies have devoted increasing attention to the concept and consequences of power, in terms of forms, dimensions, manifestations and outcomes in and across organizations. Power can be sometimes more visible, institutionalized, and legitimate, but also hidden, anarchic, illicit and even violent, erupting suddenly and disrupting organizational life. Issues related to power can be overt, covert or a mixture of both. However, all forms of power cast shadows, some sharp, others more obfuscated, with which individuals, organizations and societies must cope, or work around. Power can trigger subversion, attempting to undermine or putting up resistance against established authorities, institutions, and professional elites, mobilizing collective energies towards what is argued to be a greater good. Other countervailing processes can be characterized by persistence, marked by a “making do” attitude of agility, improvisation, and bricolage, backed by entrepreneurial spirit and informal networks. The exercise of power can be a potent means of improving productivity and growth. At the same time, it can result in exploitation and the creation of inequalities, often breeding fear and silence.

Following up the successful Egos 2016 Colloquium held in Napoli, which has declined the broadly defined theme of power in a variety of parallel sessions, understanding and examining these processes underpins the general theme of this book.


This book wishes to depict a rich picture of extant research on the broad area of power, collecting some of the most promising contributions presented at Egos 2016 Colloquium by the Italian community of organizational scholars. The main aim of the publication is to provide value to research community, students, practitioners and academician, and disseminate to a wider audience some of the latest advancements on the overall theme of power.

Submission procedure

All chapters from the Italian community of organizational studies should be submitted on or before 31st January, 2017 to the following email address:

Authors will be notified about the acceptance on 28th February, 2017, and should send the final chapter by 31st March, 2017. Final acceptance will be notified on 30th April 2017.

Publishing process

The book is anticipated to be released in 2017. The book will be published in accordance with the qualitative standards defined by the Assioa and Aidea guidelines for evaluation of research.

Important Dates

January 31, 2017 – full chapter submission deadline.

February 28, 2017 – editorial decision deadline (accepted, conditioned or rejected chapter). March 31, 2017 – conditioned chapter submission deadline

April 30, 2017 – editorial decision deadline on conditioned chapters May 15, 2017 – camera-ready chapter submission deadline.

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