Associazione Italiana di Organizzazione Aziendale

WoA 2023 and EGOS Colloquium 2023

This 2023 year, WoA XXIV – Workshop dei Docenti e Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale – will be held in cooperation with EGOS 39th Colloquium. The WoA 2023 and EGOS Colloquium 2023 will be hosted in Cagliari (Italy).

We will share not only the general theme, topics, and venues but most importantly, we will share the spirit, research, and ideas with a large international community of Organizational Studies. We believe this will become an enriching and inspiring experience for our ASSIOA community!

General theme: Organizing for the Good Life: between Legacy and Imagination

Since Aristotle and Plato, the notion of good life has been at the forefront of philosophical thinking. 

What does good life mean in the context of organizations?
And how can organizations promote a good life?

Contemporary managers and leaders are increasingly striving to construct wellbeing at work, while Fortune lists have emerged that rank organizations in terms of “best places to work”. Organizational scholars, on their part, have increasingly investigated such themes as work life balance, positive organizational scholarship, the link between organizing and employees’ emotional wellbeing, CSR, and the conceptualization of organizations as purpose-driven institutions. Good life also emerges as a collective construct that encompasses community resilience and progress, social equality and inclusion, climate change and preservation of biodiversity.

These trends demonstrate the importance of constructing organizations as loci as well as vehicles of good life. However, the same trends can lead to the manipulation of collective behaviors and the engineering of convenient cultures.

Thus, the purpose of the WoA 2023 and 39th  EGOS Colloquium 2023 is to understand the organizing of a good life as the encounter of legacy and imagination.

We welcome ASSIOA community to Cagliari to rethink the good life between legacy and imagination!

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